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KKW 5 - Elimination Chamber

KKW 5 - Elimination Chamber

Kamp Kayoz Wrestling
Elimination Chamber Match:
Valu Soamoa won a 12-man Elimination Chamber Match:
         x L. Galindo and D. Baron started out.
         x Vea Vaega entered at 0:02:00
         x Aaron Cargill entered at 0:04:00
         x Mika Fatialofa entered at 0:06:00
         x Julio  Vega entered at 0:08:00
         x Kazuharu Shiotani entered at 0:10:00
         x Akinori Sakata entered at 0:12:00
         x Valu Soamoa entered at 0:14:00
         x L. Galindo defeated D. Baron after the Superkick in 0:15:39
         x Hiroaki Kushibiki entered at 0:16:00
         x Luis Miguel Ruiz entered at 0:18:00
         x Destin Eastwood entered at 0:20:00
         x K. Shiotani defeated V. Vaega after the DDT in 0:43:08
         x H. Kushibiki defeated L. Galindo after an Aztecan suplex in 0:43:27
         x A. Sakata defeated A. Cargill after a crucifix in 0:50:04
         x K. Shiotani defeated M. Fatialofa after the DDT in 0:53:12
         x V. Soamoa defeated A. Sakata after the Piledriver in 0:55:40
         x K. Shiotani defeated D. Eastwood after the DDT in 1:01:12
         x L. Ruiz defeated K. Shiotani after a top-rope Frankensteiner in
         x H. Kushibiki defeated L. Ruiz after a single arm DDT in 1:10:38
         x V. Soamoa defeated H. Kushibiki after the Piledriver in 1:15:36
         x V. Soamoa defeated J. Vega after a Cradle DDT in 1:18:03
Rating: **** 1/4
(Valu Soamoa won the KKW World.)

Card rating: **** 1/4