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Battle Tested

Battle Tested

Kayoz Vixxxenz Wrestling
Maria Velazquez defeated Ailsa Cohen by disqualification in 0:02:24.
Rating: 3/4*
[Annmarie  Stendardo interfered against Maria Velazquez.]

Brandyey Quintana pinned Xiomarysy Ramirez after a scissor kick in 0:04:54.
Rating: ** 3/4

Chiara  Armillei defeated Nikkia Puzyrev by disqualification in 0:07:54.
Rating: * 1/4

Duena  Burillo pinned Thadine Tuama after a flying forearm in 0:18:01.
Rating: -** 1/4

Sheera Tsarfati defeated Gaille Ben Margi when Gaille Ben Margi passed out in
an airplane spin in 0:06:07.
Rating: **** 1/4

Misao Fujiwara defeated Sonora Begines by disqualification in 0:04:13.
Rating: *

Annmarie  Stendardo and Mackenzie Earl battled to a double countout in 0:05:02.
Rating: ***

Card rating: * 3/4